OUR Number Ten has been full of activity this week, just like the ‘richards’ who are busy topping up their saucepans with regurgitated insects, mmm, yummy.

Translation of cockney rhyming slang, 'richard the thirds' - birds, 'saucepan lids' - kids.

Despite the splendour of nature around us my poor husband Keith has been dying of a cold, sorry, man flu, and on top of this it’s Pulse Gym fun quiz this Friday evening at the People’s Hall.

As quiz master Keith has the job of compiling the questions. I added to his work load by buying a couple matching chests of drawers for the bedroom and unfortunately they came in the dreaded flat packs.

My misplaced expectation was that they would come complete - silly me. I could tell Keith wasn’t happy as soon as he set eyes on the boxes, each one weighing as much as a blacksmith’s anvil.

I went shopping. Well, it doesn’t do to be around men when they are working out complex problems of this type. I could hear him mumbling something about this is going to take a week as I picked up my handbag and headed for the door.

I too was on a mission, I needed to buy lamp holders, well somebody has to.

I went to a DIY store in Kendal and purchased the lamp holders and a roll of two core flex; bet you’re impressed with my technical knowledge! I also wanted two matching lamp shades but there was only one in the style I liked, typical.

I returned home to find Keith asleep clutching a smouldering screw driver, but I did have two new chests of drawers all neatly put together.

When he eventually woke up someone called to ask if he would like to take a part in a forthcoming serious stage play. Well, anyone who knows Keith knows they would have been sorry if he’d accepted.

Believe me Keith only does comedy. Check out you tube. Trouble at Farflung Mill and watch my dearly beloved singing the The Night John Willie Took his Ferret to a Do.