I DOUBT if there is anyone among us who hasn’t suffered the experience of annoying and unprovoked phones calls. You know the ones that come at the very moment your toast pops up and you are looking forward to melting the cheese on top, or indulging in a cream biscuit and coffee. The voice on the other end of the line asks if you are the person who buys the socks, or pays for the mouse traps, and if you aren’t thinking you say, yes.

This leads to you being congratulated and then asked if you are having a nice day. Well, you were up until the phone rang. Of course, it’s not their fault, they have to earn a living but heaven only knows why they would chose such a soul destroying job as cold calling. It seems to me that these calls go in phases: one week it’s save on your heating bills, next you’re offered the chance to update your IT department. Oh, yes, I got two of those. Just lately it’s been health and safety, to which I answer, it’s alright my dear, I’m quite safe and very healthy, followed by, good day, as I swiftly replace the receiver. I keep hoping that if I am grumpy and uncooperative I will go on a black list but no such luck. As I am exceedingly busy on my annual sewing marathon, i.e. costumes for next week’s Rose Community Theatres production of Trouble at Farflung Mill, I’m not generally in the mood for these professional time wasters. I always wish I was quick thinking enough to pretend I that I’m not at all well when they ask all too brightly, “How are you today.” It would be fun to explain the gruesome details of an imagined set of surgical procedures. I guess I don’t want to tempt fate. Talking of fate, any problems we might have in our day to day lives seem to pale into insignificance against the dreadful events of earthquakes and tsunamis that have been reeking havoc in Japan. I don’t know about you but I think I’m a very fortunate person.

Oh, wait a minute is that the phone I hear?