FATHERS Day. When did it get so popular? I mean we Mums have had the edge for years but now Fathers are getting their share and why not I say.

Keith does rather well on this front, cards and pressies flood in from all our girls. Honestly, the fuss they make of him and it doesn’t end with the adult children the grandchildren make just as much fuss.

Whenever we arrive for a visit it’s, “Hello Nanny,” a quick wave as I’m almost knocked to the ground in the rush to be first to get to granddad. What does he do to deserve this adoration, you may well ask. One thing is his vast store of funny songs which he takes great delight in teaching them. I can just hear their various school teachers asking where they have learned such songs. One of the favourites is, “Always eat when you are hungry, always drink when you are dry, always wash when you are dirty don‘t stop breathing or you‘ll die.” Yes, the children think it’s funny too.

If that was the worst of the songs he teaches them I wouldn’t mind. He also takes them for rides on our tandem and to the sandpit where he falls asleep on a bench near by while they get completely filthy. On one occasion granddaughter Megan was invited to bring a family member into school to read a story to the class. Keith and I were only too pleased. We settled on a childhood favourite of our own, the three Billy Goats Gruff. Naturally, I was cast in the part of the Troll, complete with horrid mask. We rehearsed the songs and actions, in fact it was a mini show. The performance came as no surprise to Megan as she is used to such antics, but to her classmates it was a bit of a surprise. Most were delighted if a tad traumatised. The story ends when great big Billy goat Gruff kicks the evil Troll over the bridge and far away. Keith acted out booting me over the bridge, which caused so much hilarity an encore was demanded by the excited youngsters. Just the bit where Keith kicks me over the bridge you understand. Lucky me - I get all the good jobs!