After dreaming about a long distance bike trip for the last 5 years bikeabout is born. 2 courageous people decided to raise to the challenge. They started their ride in New Zealand in September 2009 and will spend the next 15 months making their way back to England.

They plan to cycle as much of the route (which is displayed on their website) as possible, however if they were to cycle the whole route in just 15 months they would need to cycle too many miles a day. This would leave them little time to experience the culture and diversity of the lands they travel through, which is one of the main reasons for doing the trip. So they shall be taking buses, trains, boats and maybe a horse or a camel if their legs get really tired!

Their website will provide them with a place to share their experiences with friends and family and anyone else that is interested in their trip.

Whilst they have been preparing for the trip the most common question they have been asked is ‘Why are you doing it?’ “There are many reasons but primarily the trip is for us; we hope to learn more about ourselves and the world we live in” replies Liz.

In addition to this they hope their ride will draw attention to Child’s Dream, their chosen charity. If you want to find out more or donate please visit their charity page at

And finally a quick note from Liz and Chris to say “thanks to our sponsors, with their help and support our dream has become a reality”.