We've been really busy over at well balanced pup getting ready to go to Crufts next week. We've designed black Press Pack jackets for the Roving Reporters with our logo down the side and Press in big letters on our shoulders. We're setting up interviews with top dogs who are some of the best in the country for agility, heel work to music, obedience, good citizen dog scheme as well as talking to people about the issue permanently on the agenda -health and welfare. Although the RSPCA, Dog Trust and the BBC wont be coming to the show there will still be a show well worth watching and it will be available free online on the Kennel Club Website. I hope they will sell the footage to another broadcaster as well so as many people as possible will get to see it. There are problems in some breeds but there are lots of people working to solve them too. We're on twitter now too and you can follow us as wellbalancedpup. Talk soon Scout