Tuesday 9th of December and I was invited to attend Ulverston and District Disabled Clubs, Christmas Draw at the Sports Centre, Ulverston. The afternoon started at 2-00 with the Christmas Draw taking place, with over 80 prizes you can imagine it took a long time, after the draw their was Bingo followed by pie and peas. Mrs. McGlasson the Chairman organises all sorts of events for the Club, dinners and days out, they really know how to enjoy themselves.

As part of my fund raising programme for the year, I with the help of Ulverston Town Clerk David Parratt and Secretary Sue organised a Carol Service at the Coronation Hall. "Carols at the Coro" took place on Saturday 13th December; guests included Cllr. Sylvia Emmott, Deputy Chairman of SLDC, Cllr. Dorothy Daws, Deputy Mayor of Barrow, Cllr. Anita Benson, Mayor of Grange-over-Sands and Cllr. Dermott O'Conner, Mayor of Dalton. The audience and my guests sat back to enjoy performances from Ulverston Junior Band, Ulverston Town Band, The Ghyll Singers and Maggie Norton Poet Lauriat of South Cumbria 2007. Bob Needham acted as Master of Ceremonies. It was a fantastic night and raised £675.00 towards my Charity Fund.

Sunday 14th December and Derek and I were invited by Barrow Rugby Fotball Club to attend a game of Rugby. Barrow were playing the Fiji Touring Team, kick off at Craven Park was at 2-15. We arrived at the ground at 1-30 and were taken into the Board Room for a hot drink and a bite to eat; here we met Des Johnson and some of the Directors. Wrapped up warm aginst the cold wind we went to our seats in the stand to watch the game, and what an exciting game it turned out to be with the final score 26-26. This was my first proffessional game and I will certainly go back and watch another.

Ulverston Victoria High School held their Prize Giving Night at the Coronation Hall on Wednesday 17th December. The talent and ability of our young people never cease to astonish me. The night started with a performance from the School Band, followed by prize giving and speeches. Once again the Coronation Hall was packed with students, teachers and parents. I also have to congratulate the students and teachers on obtaining the best A-Level and GCSE results ever. Well done everyone. May I Wish Everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HEALTHY and HAPPY 2009.