The month of October, hosts Local Democracy Week and once again Cumbria County Council, South Lakeland District Council and Connextions Cumbria hosted an event called Speed Dating.

20 children aged about 16 years and 20 councillors sat opposite one another and discussed issues that concern or affect them, they do this for 3 minutes, then they move on to the next councillor.

This years event took place at the Low Wood Hotel, Ambleside. Lunch was provided and after lunch students and councillors discussed what were the priorities and how could we solve the problems. Students also voted on how the councillors performed and there were medals for the most informative, best dressed, most approachable etc. There were three Mayors in attendance, the Mayor of Kendal, Windermere and Ulverston and the Vice Chairman of South Lakeland District Council.

Some of the schools taking part this year were, Queen Katherine (Kendal), Coniston, Cartmel Priory, Kendal Colleage and Sedbergh. This seems to be a popular event and all who take part say it is a very usefull event.