An American President's love for Cumbria has been revealed in a recently released book.

The book, titled 'Woodrow Wilson: an Anglophile war president who fell in love with England's Lake District', was written by John Coppack.

The purpose of the publication is to educate readers on Mr Wilson's private life and how that impacted his term as President.

Mr Coppack said: "Woodrow Wilson was a profoundly emotional man, an incurable romantic, an idealist.

"Reading 'The Farewell' by William Wordsworth would bring tears to his eyes."

Mr Coppack's specialty is writing insights into stories concerning northwest England, having grown up in Lancashire and lived in Liverpool before settling down in North Yorkshire.

The exploration of Wilson's time in Cumbria is said to stem from his mother, who was born in Carlisle.

"Before he became president, Woodrow Wilson spent five summers in Great Britain, mainly the Lake District which he regarded as his second home," said Mr Coppack.

"In the summer of 1906 Wilson brought his first wife and their three daughters to Rydal where they rented a cottage above the banks of the River Rothay."

Wilson's presidency was defined by the First World War and the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 with Mr Coppack linking his decision to bring America into the global conflict with his adoration of the countryside he'd frequented.

"The war elevated the 28th president of the United States to a world statesman who along with the premiers of the UK, France and Italy changed the world following the defeat of the Central Powers in 1918," he said.

"Wilson's call to Congress in the Spring of 1917 to declare war against Germany ultimately changed the course of the war, a war which without the intervention of the United States, Great Britain and France could well have lost."

Having moved to writing after working for a multinational healthcare company headquartered in the United States, Mr Coppack also covers Wilson's two marriages and his extra-marital affair.

The paperback version of the book is now available for £16.95, with a Kindle edition on sale for £5.11.