A historic Lake District inn now faces its 'final hurdle' in submitting an amended change of use request to the council.

Lanty Slee Liquor Company, named after Lancelot Slee who was famous for supplying the region with liquor for over 50 years, was successful in its bid for the takeover.

Owners have had submitted a planning application with an amended change of use request. 

The application is related to serving food and drink including external works and signage for the business.

Concerns were raised in November 2022 about activities outside the building which committee members thought could be disruptive to the tranquillity of the location and harmful to its character and appearance.

Part of a post on the Slanty Lee Liquor Co said: "If you have time to do us a little favour and like and share this post and submit a letter of support it could well make the difference and would mean the world to us, so many of you have already written to our local Parish councillors and this is now the final hurdle."

You can search for the application here: https://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/.../wphappcriteria.display using reference 7/2023/5391.