SOMETHING very simple can transform lives. We take clean running water - both hot and cold - for granted. For many in the world, to have a clean water supply in their community, would be a luxury and it would transform their living.

Latrines are not something we are likely to get excited about, but last year I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of someone who had been involved in a health project, building simple earth latrines in a village in sub-Saharan Africa.

The aid agency provided the know-how, the community the materials and the labour and through it the health of the community has been transformed. The speaker sharing this story managed to enthrall her audience for over fifteen minutes!

Digging latrines may seem a rather odd way of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. A little thought will help us to see that Jesus spent his ministry transforming lives, often by bringing health and healing to individuals and their families. Providing proper sanitation for a community therefore, fits well with the values of the Gospel.

It is often the simple solutions that are the most effective. There are many aid agencies which take this approach.

This is Christian Aid week, when we are particularly encouraged to think about our support of that particular agency. Their work, along with many others, often provides simple but effective solutions which transform the lives of whole communities and at the same time, shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nick Ash, Team Rector, Cartmel Peninsula Ministry